Friday, April 15, 2005

more thoughts on Mac vs. Pc

Another thing has just dawned on me:

Before I did my MCSE (Microsoft's Systems Engineer Exam) I always thought that my PC crashed or froze because of something I was doing wrong - and only after I studied the operating system and the applications did I realise that I was doing everything right and it was the SYSTEM that was wrong.

Windows likes to blame users or third party hardware for errors and bad drivers for things like bluescreens. But I've had a brand new computer before without any extra hardware or software installed - just installed windows 98 SE, and I got a blue screen... out of the BLUE! mmm user error? third party? I don't know... but, when you think about it, a SYSTEM of a single operating system SUPPOSEDLY being compatible with multiple configurations of third party hardware is actually ASKING for problems.

With a Mac, everything is MADE specifically for the computer and OS, and tested on the system so it makes sense that a LOT less conflicts and crashes occur on Macs.

Lastly, I'm writing this on my crappy PC at work, and I've had two crashes and two restarts and its only 11:45 AM!


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